Matching Articles"Exploration" (Total 6)

  • Click on TABLE OF CONTENTS above to access a list of all Exploration and Settlement articles.

  • More Europeans at the end of the 15th century were engaged in fishing than in any other occupation except farming.
  • If modern scholars generally favour a northern landfall for Cabot's 1497 voyage, there has been strong support for a landfall on Cape Breton Island.
  • Early Cartography of Newfoundland and Labrador--Exploration--Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web
  • Information about initial settlement schemes for Newfoundland.
  • John Cabot may have discovered an ocean route from Europe to North America, but this information did little to clarify the geography of eastern Canada.
  • The Portuguese pioneered the European exploration of the Atlantic Ocean. Some historians believe that Portuguese mariners reached Newfoundland before Cabot.