Matching Articles"Environment" (Total 12)

  • Click on TABLE OF CONTENTS above to access a list of all Natural Environment articles.

  • Avalanches involve the rapid downslope movement of snow or ice, with or without sediment and rock.
  • One very important feature of Newfoundland and Labrador is that the geological boundary of North America lies offshore at the edge of the continental shelf.
  • An interactive map showing the twelve ecoregions of Labrador
  • A look at the the three ecozones of the island of Newfoundland: Southern Boreal, Middle Boreal and Northern Boreal.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador can be divided into three ecozones: Artic Cordillera, Tiaga Shield, and Boreal Shield.
  • Impacts of climate extremes such as prolonged ice accretion, abnormally cool, wet summers or snow deficient winters, heavy rainfall, etc.
  • Flood risk zone maps have been prepared for sixteen communities in the province most prone to flooding.
  • Coastal Flooding--Natural Environment--Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web
  • How sinkholes and other geological events impacet Newfoundland and Labrador's environment.
  • Precontact cultures utilized stone for tool making. They appear to have preferred chert, a fine-grained stone composed mainly of silica.
  • The landscape of Newfoundland and Labrador has had a remarkable geological history, formed over many millions of years
  • Landslides are the downslope movement of unconsolidated material under the influence of gravity.