Select Bibliography: Labrador Linerboard Ltd., 1973-1977

Primary Sources:

"Labrador Linerboard Limited: Information package for official opening." Stephenville, NL: Labrador Linerboard, 1973. Print.

Secondary Sources:

"120 million dollar Melville Linerboard plant underway." Newfoundland Journal of Commerce 35.8 (1968): 31-34. Print.

"International group backing Newfoundland paper project." Financial Post 24 Sept. 1966: 2. Print.

Hunt, Geoff. "Linerboard plant must be changed over to newsprint." The Telegram 8 Jan. 1977: n.p. Print.

"Labrador Linerboard Limited." Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador. Vol. 3. St. John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, 1981-1994. Print.

"Learning the hard way." Rounder 4.6 (1979): 14. Print.

"Linerboard mill closes, 1,600 jobs lost." Rounder 3.2 (1977): 10. Print.

"Newfoundland mill fiasco hits raw nerves." Ottawa Journal 28 Jan. 1977: n.p. Print.